The curtain comes down for another semester yet again. This semester in particular went by so fast I didn't even realise its gone! I'm almost 1 year into my NIE training. Time just passes ridiculously fast these days.
Past few weeks, it was just clearing deadlines after deadlines and when its all over, the pace just slowed down tremendously. Ahead of me is a looooooooooooooongggggggg break till end June when I go for my first TP. In between, I've already got plans: night cycling, cafes sutra, training for Sundown Marathon,try out sailing & windsurfing, PE outdoor camp, cambodia mission trip. Hmmm seems quite eventful already but must remind myself not to jam-packed my schedule and learn to rest when I need to. My weakness - don't know when to stop!
Approaching a rest stop soon in this journey I'm on, so take time to recuperate, recharge and be refreshed before I start moving ahead again.
Past few weeks, it was just clearing deadlines after deadlines and when its all over, the pace just slowed down tremendously. Ahead of me is a looooooooooooooongggggggg break till end June when I go for my first TP. In between, I've already got plans: night cycling, cafes sutra, training for Sundown Marathon,try out sailing & windsurfing, PE outdoor camp, cambodia mission trip. Hmmm seems quite eventful already but must remind myself not to jam-packed my schedule and learn to rest when I need to. My weakness - don't know when to stop!
Approaching a rest stop soon in this journey I'm on, so take time to recuperate, recharge and be refreshed before I start moving ahead again.