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Showing posts from August, 2010

Where art thou Gracie????

For the record, I didn't go into hiding. Somehow the month of July never seem to come. Maybe there were quite a bit of happenings that's why. There was Queen's wedding at the beginning of July and then my maternal grandma passed on quite suddenly and her hospitalization then funeral took up the rest of the month. 2 most extreme events happened within the same time frame; I celebrated the start of a new journey of my friend and also said goodbye to por por whose journey here on earth came to a complete stop. Well, nothing pan-tang about it and I'm so not superstitous but now that I'm writing about it, it does stir some thoughts and a tad bit of emotions. Once in a while I would spot some elderly women walking around the neighbourhood and I would be reminded of my grandma, who always come across as a hearty and fiesty lady. Well I guess her departure happened like a flash of lightning and all of us only began to feel her absence when everything has been settled and we