A simple anniversary this year.
No big hooha but significant nonetheless.
Taste and see that the Lord is good.....its more than just a knowledge thingy, but its a lifestyle! God is good, we have experienced it and we know it but we have to SHOW IT. LIVE IT OUT! How else will others then know that He is good?
Short and sweet one-liner but takes alot to actualize it.
It boils down to the question of really for what do we live this life for?
There's only so much that people or things around us can do to truly satisfy us and we still feel 'empty' but the key is in TASTING AND SEEING THAT GOD IS GOOD.
He never fails to satisfy us and its forever.
JYCers...you are truly blessed to be in this place at a time such as this. You have great things ahead of you. Your generation is awaiting the Daniels, Nehemiahs and Esthers to arise. So is mine. Let's charge on! We know who will always be with us!
What's for next year's anniversary? Only God knows haha but for sure its going to be another significant milestone!