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先苦后甜 - God's Power for His Purposes

A group that I will remember quite fondly. Of all the courses I've ran since last year, this has to be the most challenging one by far. 

The start of the week was shrouded with a lot of doubts and uncertainties. I wasn't confident I could keep this group together because of how separated they were. I found myself battling with a lot of negative thoughts and even the comments I passed to my colleagues weren't encouraging as well. It made my spirit very heavy.

I don't recall being desperate enough to pray to ask for guidance but I knew I was at my wits ends. I believe in those low moments, God saw through my thoughts and emotions. And truly, He knows what to give even before I would utter my requests. This is how big my God is. 

He paved the way for me to speak right into their hearts and I don't believe it is of any coincidence when we had that HTHT session on Tues night. I felt that broke something in the group and in the subsequent days, the group's dynamics took a turn for the better. It was so surprising to see them being more on task and making the effort to be together. 

Apart from the change that was so heartening, I was thankful that I had so many moments to speak to some of them and I felt in my spirit that words released were God-sent. I can only believe and pray that they were seeds sown and He will continue to water them. 

Many a times I would ponder if I should come up with more framings to enrich my courses. Yes, that's important (like how it is with lessons planning) but what always makes my day is when I know that these young lives have been impacted and that some self-realisation has taken place regardless of the framings.

On the last day after closing, the most challenging pax came up to me with a packet of gummies and said "thank you". That was the best moment I've experienced throughout the whole week. God will sustain and pave the way as long as I can hold fast to the purpose of what I'm doing. 

"Moses offered every excuse, but God had none of it. Instead, God promises to go with Moses (Exodus 3:12). “You are a nobody, but I am Somebody, and I’m coming along with you.” God goes on to make known his powerful name, the suffering of his people, and how future 
events will unfold (Exodus 3:14–22). Not only does God do the commissioning, but he knows and holds the future. Nothing in the plan is up for grabs. God makes clear, “I’m in control.”

God goes on to give Moses signs of his power to validate Moses’s mission (Exodus 4:1–9). God makes clear it’s his power that is behind all ministry, all evangelism, and all labors to make Christ known. Our instinct is to be like Moses: “What if they don’t believe me?” Yet God has given you his power in the proclamation of his word and in work of the Spirit. You can doubt your ability, but don’t mistake that for God’s ability to work through weak and inadequate disciples." 

- Taken from


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