A picture paints a 1000 words. Using scrabble tiles, I got the group to sum up their Outward Bound experience with words that symbolised their 5-days journey. Rather than to form bombastically intellectual words, they chose to form the names of every of the member in the team. It was a very heartening sight. This spoke of the connections shared amongst them and the extent of the inclusivity that surprised me as well.
A group that wasn't mine to start with but quickly grew to adapt to one another pretty quickly. It helped that they were rather mature in their thoughts and able to also adjust to a new instructor within such a short span of time. Indeed, the only thing constant in life is change.This bunch did not just show me they had depth in their thinking but also the ability to accept and embrace different ones. I guess they would now be able to better appreciate the overall objectives of this MOE-OBS collaboration i.e. it's not just for one's character but for one to build and appreciate the connections that they will make with others of a different background, race and religion.