Remembering us being carefree, being the greenhorns and just trying to stick around for as long as we could. We did. For almost 3 years! But not as carefree as before.

I remember 3 years ago, at the 4th floor (where we seemed to rule the place!) we were often gawffing away, talking as though everyone is deaf and taking goofy shots with Sim Sim's newly purchased Macbook. Then we called ourselves "Golden Girls". Now we are the "Wonder Girls"!

My special friend and ex-colleague. My fellow 'bouncer' of ideas for English lessons! I was glad that we had each other throughout the time we were in PHSS. Sometimes God brings the weirdest person into our lives to just give meaning to why we are placed where we are. Its crazy but its true. But I am thankful that our friendship extended beyond the walls of school!
3 years on. The Golden Girls are down to 2. It feels different without Sim Sim around. She told me it was very tough on her when I went off for my NIE training for the last 1.5 years. Who would ever expect that she would leave when I was about to return. Oh wellz...life just throws us surprises when we least expect to get one.
Anyhow...I'm happy that she's happy now and able to pursue her many little desires without having to conform herself to meet the expectations of many. Hopefully she can find back herself that might have gone missing in the last 3 years and be able to let go of the yikes in time to come.