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Little bliss amidst the mist

Whatever is left of this 1 week break is just the rainy weekend and bits & pieces of work left to be settled. Sounds pathetic but I shall not dwell in that anymore. Strangely, I'm find myself enjoying just being home (especially in this weather) and dabbling in whatever I feel like doing. Own time own target.

Honestly, I didn't really have a break. With 4 days spent in school (oral and ODAC camp)...where thou the break? Its a good thing the hollie is ending soon; so I won't feel so shortchanged! But that's how it is. After all, I'm not Grace in Wonderland.

As I come to terms with my horrid practicum job scope, I am thankful I'm born a positivist and fighter. There's always things to brighten up my day. Just yesterday I went groceries shopping with my mother and grandmother. Grandma saw me and exclaimed (in cantonese btw) that my lips are chapped and both got into this mini frenzy to get whatever cooling drinks/jellies etc to reduce the heatiness. I just stood there and watched the action. Hmmm...all I can say is...I feel loved!

Another bliss to make mention of: I actually stayed home the whole of today and not feel bored but of course strange things always befall me. I left to run some errands without bringing my keys thinking my sis would be home. Alas, she went out and locked the main door! I was locked out for almost an hour and my bro came to my rescue; he left immediately from his dance class to come home. Again, I am loved.

It is the little things that make me realise that what may seem to be of a mountain is actually just a molehill. Human nature I guess to want to harp on things that we often have no control over. Maybe by doing so, it makes us feel more in control. Nonetheless, its good to know that I can still see the blissful moments albeit brief.


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