After a long long while, I got myself another ipod.
This time bigger and hmmm still 2nd-hand like the first poddie! :)
Even since the 'demise' of my first ever apple product, I've been contemplating getting another mp3 player to keep me company on my long train ride to school. Was not willing to fork out $200-300++ for another ipod so I chose to wait.
Until 1 day, I asked Anais if she had lobang for mp3 and she told me Matt was trying to sell his 30GB ipod since he gotten the Itouch! Presto! Prayer answered. Patience paid off.
My journey on trains will never be the same again though I'm officially $150 poorer as a result.
Anyhow, I'm satisfied.
This time bigger and hmmm still 2nd-hand like the first poddie! :)
Even since the 'demise' of my first ever apple product, I've been contemplating getting another mp3 player to keep me company on my long train ride to school. Was not willing to fork out $200-300++ for another ipod so I chose to wait.
Until 1 day, I asked Anais if she had lobang for mp3 and she told me Matt was trying to sell his 30GB ipod since he gotten the Itouch! Presto! Prayer answered. Patience paid off.
My journey on trains will never be the same again though I'm officially $150 poorer as a result.
Anyhow, I'm satisfied.