1st tennis session : the siew mai tennis balls
The guys did a better job in keeping the rally going
The girls (Liling & me) kept picking balls,
including those that flew out of the court!
Its very surreal to see the first year trainee teachers. I will be sitting at my favourite corner in the canteen and looking at the newbies and saying how 'toot' and raw they look. But I was exactly like that last year this time; lost and finding my way around. Sometimes I can't believe that 1 year just passed. All good things must come to and end (天 下 没 有 不 散 的 宴 席). Very soon, I will be out in school and wishing I can revive NIE days. Sometimes I want to be out in schools teaching, knowing that's the best place to learn. Yet at the same time, I want to continue being under the 'NIE shelter'.
So while the good times are still here, make the best of them and enjoy! My class sure knows how to and here are a few snap-shots of our 'Foodie Journey' during our 1st week of school @ Yum Chai.Our 1st round (in all we had 7 rounds of dim sum coming!)
The food just kept coming until we didn't know what we ordered
Weixiong went gaga over his 小 龙 包.
He had almost 4 'longs' to himself!
This is what life has been so far for us PE trainees and its just the tip of the ice-berg. Should not schools be like that??????