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Significance Unraveled

Just returned from Uncle John's wake. The feeling is surreal.

It was not too long ago that I saw him around in church, mingling with people with his trademark cheery smile and friendly disposition. Despite his illness, he sure looked good and was often in high spirits. Who would have thought the next time I meet him would be at his wake tonight.

Throughout the week updates on Uncle John's condition came in fast & furious. Didn't really know what and how to pray. Images of my encounters with him came flashing back. He's a man of few words yet full of peace. He's the kind of person you would want to have around to stabilize things. In his own simple ways, he became a giant in the influence he made.

Looking back at his life re-emphasized today's sharing by Jo Chean on 'Significance'. What determines our sense of importance? Uncle John knew his significance as a person and that there was nothing to stop him from living out the rich life he had. Cancer struck him but he continued serving faithfully till the end. Undeterred and unwavered. Why? At the end of the day, he knew in his heart his existence was for a purpose i.e to glorify the One who gave him life. No amount of wealth, good health & possessions can provide us with the significance & satisfaction that we so desire. There's only one source.

Uncle John has lived out his significance for the last 57 years and his legacy will remain for all to remember. I will miss him most definitely but inspired to make my life count.

Uncle John, Auntie May, Auntie Lydia and Kangfei did. They have joined the cloud of witnesses to cheer the rest of us on, as we continue running the race. For sure, they will be at the finishing line waiting for us too! What a reunion then.


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