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Another year has just ended and a new one is about to begin. Not sure what will be install for me this year, nonetheless, I'm anticipating with great expectations!

As 2008 quietly slips away to make way for 2009, I began to just take stock of what were some of the significant milestones of 2008 and they are as follow:

1. Jan - July :

Last 6 months to my 1.5years of contract teaching in Pei Hwa Secondary. 1-and-a-half years, mind you! Felt as though I was a qualified teacher already :). Mixed feelings upon having to leave but I was looking forward to a new beginning at NIE, after the rather agonizing waiting process. The whole journey before entering NIE was one with many twists and turns, notwithstanding frustrations and angst, but in retrospect, it was worthwhile.

Courtesy of my aunt, I actually forgot to make mention about the Hokkaido trip with my bro and her! Haha...silly me! Well, it sure felt as though the trip was a few years back and not that recent! :) Come to think of it, it was a meaningful trip (Aunt -niece-nephew bonding) and it was my first trip that I sponsored myself! Whenever I think of this trip, what immediately comes to mind is the sumptuous seafood lunch spread, fresh salmon sashimi & lavander ice-cream we had. Unforgettable.

2. Aug - Nov:

  • Commenced teacher's training in NIE

  • Familiarising myself with my class/course mates whom I will be with for the next 2 years

  • Participated in almost all of the ICGs (Inter-Class Games) because I have the privilege to be the only female out of the 3 ladies in my class who is more (rather always) available! An experience and great exposure at the same time. Never played so many different games during my NUS days so consider it making up for lost times!

- Basketball, soccer, touch rugby, floorball, volleyball (absent) & E.W Barker's Run

  • Assignments after assignments (typical Uni life) then exams!

  • GSEL project execution. After all the months of preparation, finally, it was action time and I will so miss my GSEL group mates when it all comes to an end.

  • Grandpa underwent radiation for his cancer of the larynx, which has been successfully completed in Oct. Condition in control now (Yeah!) with close monitoring and follow up by doctors for the next 2 years.

3. End Nov - Dec

  • Travel bug hit me and it was a solid month of jet-setting. My big break too!

  • Philippines (Bacolod City) with ASEAN Club. Worked with GK (Gawad Kalinga) and stayed at the ERH village. Memorable 1 week stay and something in me says " I will go back someday!"

  • Backpacking in Vietnam & Cambodia for 2 weeks. THE TRIP OF THE YEAR! Adventure it was as well. Went with people I hardly talk to in school but I'm glad I did. Made new friends and found possible potential backpacking kakis! Totally mind-blowing experience.

To sum up 2008 :

Very eventful but fruitful year for me. Done much, learnt much and experienced much. Once again, I believe I have grown wiser & stronger over the year because of what I've been through. Not a single moment I felt was wasted. Established a few amazingly steady friendships in the course of this semester and I'm forever grateful for that.

Personally, its always the people around me who makes the difference and I'm always for the idea that they are the ones who will make or break the experiences/memories I have. So far, the memories have been solidly beautiful! Hopefully, it gets more beautiful in the coming year!


shwei lin said…
y never mention about hokkaido trip?....hee! hee!

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