Life is precious; Life is a gift. Everyday as I awake, I know I'm to make the best of it. Why waste time complaining, grumbling and regretting when we can just learn to appreciate every single waking moment that we have because we'll never know when we'll be gone. I'm not being morbid here but seriously having serious thoughts. My grandpa had his first review after almost a month since his radiation treatment ended. The scope showed no more tumor (a small one) along the vocal chords though its still swollen (probably due to the radiation). PRAISE GOD! But what I remembered most of the 15mins session was when my grandpop shared his heartfelt concern with doc. He wanted to know what would be the possibility of a relapse in the near future and are his chances of complete recovery good. Doc said he's optimistic about his recovery and he does not forsee a relapse in the next 2-3 years, though there might be a 50% chance of recurrance maybe 5 years later. Grandpop was not...
In season or out season, there's always something to smile at.