Handsome, charming Grandpop and radiant me!
Had lunch at this Jap place in Central. Yummy curry udon.
2. Rugby final session - carnival cum tournament. Wow my team was TOPS! (from the bottom). Hehe..we lost almost, erm actually EVERY of the 4 games we played. Unbelievable. Nevertheless, we were still happy and more importantly we had fun. What will I remember of rugby lessons henceforth? Hmmmm.....tough to answer. Haha.....THE PEOPLE! (politically correct answer)
My ruggie team - ITALY. Supposed to be decked in blue but
we became blue-black!
My ruggie class together with Tom Brown, my lecturer.
3. Had a crab feast at the renowned Melbourne coffee shop at AMK with a few of my classmates, followed by a 3hr session of prawning. I had fun though I kind of burn a huge hole in my pocket from that one evening! Well well...good memories are priceless so heck with the $$$$! Oooohhhh...prawning was a test of my patience and I think fishing or prawning really not my kind of activities. But the experience was cool. Must try fishing next although I don't think I can sit still waiting for the fishy :)
Unforgettable the taste! The other highlight was the crab bee hoon
which I didn't kodak it. Must eat to believe how good it is.
My 1st attempt at prawning and I caught 1.
4. Doing my ed psych essay 3 days before deadline. Firstly, I underestimated the level of difficulty of this assignment. It turned out to be so much harder than I thought. Secondly, it was my first time starting on a 2500 word essay so late! I usually would start a week earlier but not this time. But amazingly, I was able to stay cool. Maybe I have learn to take things in my stride. Good! Nevertheless, it was a 'painful' writing experience! Psychology in its essence - confusion, confusion and more confusion! The more I write, the more I don't know what I'm writing. Oxymoronic? Yes! Very much so!
All said and done!
Now looking forward to my Batam getaway next week!
More updates then...
Thank you Grace for sharing my thoughts and concerns.Above all,God is the healer.
PS: How about one of the guys in the photo to be your boyfriend?