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11 September 2008 - Interclass Touch Rugby Game

Winner : Class 3B (i.e. my class :) )

Our 1st and well-deserved victory

We worked hard for it with dedicated team captains (Gideon and Ren Han) who took time off to hold short training sessions for newbies. During the games itself, we fought hard with tremendous support and faith coming from other classmates and even coursemates of another class. The taste of victory was made sweeter knowing that we there were so much moral support coming from the sidelines. Haha..the crowd was rather tame that night as compared to the basketball and soccer matches. Maybe there were less people around this time but nonetheless my class was 'LOUD' in our spirits and sense of camaraderie.

Winning aside, the stronger bond that's being established was more significant and memorable. See....there's definitely more to games than just winning! Hopefully this will be the start to greater things ahead for the class.

THE WHACKY CLASS OF 2008 - PGDE 3B/YR 1 (incomplete)

The 2 char-bohs present. The 3rd absent. That night, the guys decided to coin the term "3Gs" on us since there are only 3 gals in the class. Ermm...they had a rather lousy attempt at trying to give Liling a name that starts with 'G' - Gigi/ Gabriella/ Geraldine!!! Think Gigi was the popular choice! Haha

Just some of the dudes in the class...not all were down.



YoNg quAn said…
oh man!my previous comment didnt register? Ok here it goes again! it looks like you're having a blast Grace!! hehehe...Have great fun!!

And some of your friends look familiar, one of the guys is from TJ right? and one of the girls look like a (ex?) national netballer!

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