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Showing posts from September, 2009


Caught the movie alone just now & I much prefer the musical. Anyhow I love the voices, talents, moves and the notion of believing in one's dreams! Sometimes one's passion may seem to elude you but don't deny that desire in you. The opportune time will come where we can live out the dream in us. Baby look at me And tell me what you see You ain't seen the best of me yet Give me time I'll make you forget the rest I got more in me And you can set it free I can catch the moon in my hands Don't you know who I am Remeber my name Fame I'm gonna live forever I'm gonna learn how to fly High I feel it coming together People will see me and cry Fame I'm gonna make it to heaven Light up the sky like a flame Fame Very aptly said in the show, there's no shortcut to fame. Fame & success come with hard work and more than just the recognition and glory attached, its about finding oneself, about hope and above all, LOVE.

Chill after much buzz

What's up Gracias?? Here goes my week's happenings and I can't believe another week is gone! 1. IS (Instructional Strategies) Module. It is unbelievable the amount of hours poured into the planning for just 3 weeks of micro-teaching. Yet I'm enjoying the group I'm with; the nonsensical moments and frustrations from being so inefficient at times all but make the experience even more enriching. The process is what counts and I'm just glad that the kids I'm taking are responding positively to our lessons. That sure made all our efforts worthwhile. The IS gang : Li Ling, Wangster & Xiong 2. Ubin Trek - Chek Jawa (Hari Raya Holiday) My 2nd visit but this time I cycled and it was shiok! Almost 50+ of us went and we practically hogged the entire island with our mere presence! Blessed with perfect weather and it was just a really good time of catching up with one another in a healthy manner. Enjoyed the short walk, taking in the cool breeze and serenity o...


sometimes, i wonder if i could be more than just being mediocre in what i do. sometimes i wonder if i could have been some school or national sports player. sometimes i wonder if i could have been some scholar. but wait...these are just what i can DO. i remember my friend telling me this, "doesn't mean you don't excel in sports, you're not a good friend!" i fondly remembered that. and not too long ago, my bestie told me not to compare as there are things that i have, which are admired and appreciated by others without even me knowing. true true. i'm comforted that i have pals who see me for who i am, and not for what i can do. mediocre i may be in sports, academic etc but if i can be tops in my own character, isn't that more valued? sometimes....i wish for alot of other things but i know i am who i am for a reason and i love who i see in the mirror everyday. isn't that enough??


On to some happier stuff after such a weighty entry before this. So much to look forward to in the next few months and its just amazing how we're down to 4 months to the end of the year! YIPES! Finally, booked the tickets for the year end South Aussie trip with Liling, Weixiong & Leslie. So excited that I can't wait to leave immediately! Possibly my last chance going for a good 2-weeks backpacking trip with friends before I start teaching proper. No words to describe the anticipation towards this trip! MaMa Mia! STOMP! with Joani in October. And I am so looking forward to it. Good show, good company, good food (most probably). What more to ask for! Diving trip again after 3 years since I got my basic. Time to get over the phobia & fear. Oh Lord, help me please! Finally meeting up with JoJo after donkey months! Its something we both are learning to adjust & get used to. Long gone are the days when we can call each other up as and when we want, meet up frequently and...


Timed out for 2 weeks and here I am again. So much to process in the last 2 weeks since the sudden passing of At. Peggy and till now, it's still so surreal. None of us have any answers to the myraid of questions going through our head but more and more so, I come to accept that getting the answer is not as important as knowing His grand scheme of things admist the circumstances we are in. Its not all that easy to come to terms with and my heart is still heavy. Growing up has its pains and one of them is to see our loved ones fading away. It has dawned on me how much my grandparents have aged and sometimes I can't help but tear when I recall the times when they would carry me to the playground and buy kachang puteh. That was like eons ago but ever so vivid in my memory. Grandpa is recovering well from his radiation treatment a year back but has this degeneration of the spine. Thank God he has no severe pain whatsoever. Just got to be careful in his steps. Grandma showing signs o...